
Found Worms in your Pistachios?

By Krisha Basrur Have you ever eaten a pistachio before? It's one of those green plumpy seeds with a hard shell that you can buy from the grocery store for a few bucks. Have you ever wondered why some pista nuts taste weird when the pistachios were freshly produced and manufactured? Well I’m afraid to …

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Having Trouble Sleeping? Try out these techniques

Image Courtesy of tacanow.org By Zipeng Guo Have you ever had times where you can’t sleep, sleepless nights. In a study, it  was stated that if you are under a lot of stress you will have a harder time sleeping or if you have an irregular schedule like working late into the night. Due to …

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Has a vaccine for COVID-19 been found?

By Esmeralda Pineda What is covid-19? Covid-19 ,also known as CoronaVirus ,is a highly contagious respiratory illness. This disease causes the person infected to have a number of symptoms such as  having a fever as well as vomiting, diarrhea , chest pain, cough, fatigue, body aches ,  headaches , sore throat and many other flu-like …

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