Blog Guidelines

APL Teen Blog Guidelines


  1. Blog posts are not limited text/essay format. Posts can be images, art, lists, ranks (i.e. best anime of 2020) must be original art or must attribute art/image to original source.
  2. Teens will post as contributors where the webmaster will review the content before completely publishing on the website. 
  3. Teens are welcome to post about any topic and it is not limited to: school life/ pop culture/ social issues/ food and health.
  4. Posts must not have any vulgar language & imagery, personal gossip, and must be original thoughts or views.
  5. Teens will be granted volunteer hours for their contribution to the Teen APL Blog by the following structure:
    1. Text Blog Post every 300 words: 1 hour
    2. Art/Images/Photo Gallery: 1 hour
    3. Lists/Ranks/How-Tos: 1 hour
    4. Videos on any topic: 1-3 hours (varies)
  6. Teens are responsible to send the webmaster school or required documents to fill out for volunteer hours.