
Analyzing The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

“I wanted my children to have the best combination: American circumstances and Chinese character. How could I know these things do not mix?” -Lindo Jong from The Joy Luck Club. As the Vietnamese-American daughter of two immigrant parents, reading a story of the struggles and challenges between four immigrant mothers and their American daughters was…

The Glory of Minions: Rise of Gru

By Victoria Tran Ever since the release of Despicable Me in 2010, the fictional universe revolving around the “evil” but actually not-so-evil villain, Gru, and his minions have boomed in popularity in cinematic history. We all remember when little kids would dress up as minions for Halloween back in the early 2010’s. We all remember…

Why #BookTok Isn’t as Great as it Seems

By Victoria Tran Walking into Barnes and Noble, the first thing I notice are tables of books with vibrant, colorful covers that yell “Young Adult Romance.” On top of each table is a sign with #BookTok plastered on it. #BookTok comes from the popular social media app, TikTok, where a bunch of young readers post…

Book Review: You’ve Reached Sam

By Vanessa Tran Recently, I finished a book called You’ve Reached Sam. This book follows a protagonist named Julie whose boyfriend, Sam, recently died in a car crash. She tries her best to forget him but has a hard time doing so. She reminisces on their memories and when she calls his phone again, Sam…

Benefits of Working While in High School

By Jasmine Fujimoto There are so many benefits of working in high school. Although it may be hard to work while balancing extracurriculars and other obligations the benefits will help you later on in life  The 1st benefit is that you will learn how to balance working and maintaining your grades. This means that you…

Advice for Juniors from a Senior

By Jasmine Fujimoto As a senior about to graduate from high school, I want to share some wisdom with all of you juniors who are about to embark on your last year of high school.  Stay out of drama: I will be honest and say that for most students, hearing rumors and gossip is pretty…

All Falls Down

By: Lwam Kibrom  As Nadia is running through the woods, panting heavily, her vision begins to blur, and just as she tumbles to the ground she sees them gaining on to her. Before the dehydration knocks her out, she whispers to herself, “The worst part is almost over. The end is near.” Tyranny can force…

Review: Dead Poets Society

by Ruby Milburn           Released in 1989, Dead Poets Society, directed by Peter Weir, is a crucial coming of age film to be experienced during one’s adolescent years.  The film follows a group of boys at an all-boys’ boarding school who navigate their ways through independent hardships, ultimately discovering poetry as a collective escape.  Poetry was…

Fashion! Fashion! Fashion!!!!

By Krisha Basrur In today’s era, various types of culture are praised and adored from all around the world.  Some factors that represent one’s culture may be food, dance, rituals, clothing, etc. Believe it or not, there are more than 1000 cultures and traditions present in our world today. Some are small, presented in small…

Found Worms in your Pistachios?

By Krisha Basrur Have you ever eaten a pistachio before? It’s one of those green plumpy seeds with a hard shell that you can buy from the grocery store for a few bucks. Have you ever wondered why some pista nuts taste weird when the pistachios were freshly produced and manufactured? Well I’m afraid to…


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